Monday, November 28, 2011

16. Explain a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dillema you have faced and its impact on you.

During my freshman year in highschool i was offerred to speak on the USS Midway. The following year in middle school i was Mar Vista Middle Schools ASAP ( afterschool activities program ) president. My fellow peers and group members including me, wanted to do something that would help others in need. I suggest that we would host a Sock Hop, at the Down Town YMCA for children from the Monarch school. That event turned out amazing! When it was time for me to speak out in front of many people abored the USS Midway, i was extremely nervous! But, luckily about 3 mins. later i was glad it was over. Mr. Dan Duncan; executive director of the YMCA had awarded me with a wonderful plaque. That experience was one that will never leave my heart, it branded my soul. I now know what hard work pays off for.

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